User Research, Prototyping, Design System
Self Project
Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop
We must innovate in educating users to increase the value of existing businesses. To understand the users more, we conducted user interviews with targeted audiences before developing the concept for this simulation feature.
TokoCrypto as one of the biggest crypto market in indonesia.The high interest of newcomers in the crypto currency industry. Making the volume of crypto currency investment and trading higher. Meanwhile, most of the educational media for these potential newcomers are mostly still focused in the form of videos & readings in the form of applications
As well as a step by step guide that helps users who focus on the technical side of investing & trading.
A feature in the TokoCrypto application is an investment & trading simulation. Made focused in a safe comfortable practice conditions do not use real money.
The high interest of newcomers in the crypto currency industry. Making the volume of crypto currency investment and trading higher. Meanwhile, most of the educational media for these potential newcomers are mostly still focused in the form of videos & readings in the form of applications. We must innovate in educating users to increase the value of existing businesses. To understand the users more, we conducted user interviews with targeted audiences before developing the concept for this simulation feature.
Co•Iki is Tokyo’s Art Living Space for artist collaboration all around the world. In 2020, Co.iki initiate remote collaboration with 8 artists (Hongkong, Japan, Ukraine, Singapore, Indonesia & Nigeria) for 8 Months.
Co•Iki is Tokyo’s Art Living Space for artist collaboration all around the world. In 2020, Co.iki initiate remote collaboration with 8 artists (Hongkong, Japan, Ukraine, Singapore, Indonesia & Nigeria) for 8 Months.
"How might we redesign learning experience for newcommers crypto traders/investor"
We must innovate in educating users to increase the value of existing businesses. To understand the users more, we conducted user interviews with targeted audiences before developing the concept for this simulation feature.
After conducting interviews with two user. The high interest of newcomers in the crypto currency industry. Making the volume of crypto currency investment and trading higher. Meanwhile, most of the educational media for these potential newcomers are mostly still focused in the form of videos & readings in the form of applications.
Refka Furqon 23 years old. Work as a graphic designer in indonesia leading advertising agency.Refka is newcommers in crypto currency industry. So he thinking to review some of crypto education option for his needs.
A feature in the TokoCrypto application is an investment & trading simulation. Made focused in a safe comfortable practice conditions do not use real money.
The data that has been obtained from the two targeted users is entered in the form of an affinity map to sort which data should be used as a reference & journey mapping to detail the touch points.
Referring to the Tokocrypto design system . Typography is made equally to increase user awareness & add an intuitive feel
In harmony with the color Styles in Tokocrypto to add awareness and intuitive level.
Crypto market always growing newcommers will always come making crypto market value bigger than ever.Is crucial for newcommers to have detailed guidence from from basic to advanced knowledge of crypto currency.
There are many interesting derivative features to research such as the gamification system, ranking and interesting promos from the platform to make people try this simulation feature. For the first step that can be researched is in the form of learning levels such as beginner to advanced classes.